
Fatmir Mura was born in Vlora (Albania) January 4th, 1976.

During his childhood he discovered a passion for the music and studied accordion until the age of 14.

In ’94 he moved to Athens in Greece, where he studied theater, pantomime, Latin American Ballroom dance and the art of magics and illusions.

The promising results and  the passion of the performing arts led him to go to Italy in 2001  to pursue his studies. From here, the magic of soap bubbles and the art of drawing with sand will become for him a new way to originality.

In 2009 he won the first Talent Show in Albania with great success, presenting for the first time in Albanian Television, the ” The Mime “.

In 2011 he presents ” Save The World “, one man show, an innovative and unique, an expression of art with the basic elements of nature (Air, Water and Earth) using soap bubbles and sand drawings,  to convey, love and respect for nature.

The Sand Art is one of the most interesting new art form of the last decade. A new trend that has rapidly spread all over the world.

Fatmir  creates with his hands extraordinary and unique drawings that can engage people of all ages, transporting the audience into a magical trance of great visual and emotional impact. This art knows no cultural barriers, it captivates senses, thus becoming unforgettable. The sand drawings are accompanied by beautiful music, in perfect synchronization with the artist’s hand movement, which gives the illusion of a dance.

Now he’s an accomplished artist who has several television appearances and who is also working with several major international companies, all over the world.


Live performance in Rome

image of artist performin

Torino, Piazza Garibaldi

Summer festival, Milano

Puccini Theatre, Florence

Palazzo dei Cinquecento, Piazza Signoria, Florence

Guest in Top Channel Show

Asics anniversary, Germany

Domenica in, Canale 5, Mediaset

Sand art festival, Munich

Cultural festival, Hamar, Norway

image of an astronaut

Space X reception, Geneva - Switzerland

EURORDIS conference

Eurordis conference, Brussels